Copyright 2013. Ashland Citizens Awareness Committee. All rights reserved.


This page provides copies of various lawsuits filed by victims of the abusive behaviors by certain members of the Ashland Police Department

Currently, William Cavanaugh filed suit against The Town of Ashland, several Ashland Police officers, and former Town Manager, John Petrin.   Police Sergeant Edward Pomponio has sent a letter of intent to sue The Town of Ashland, several Ashland Police officers, Town Managers, and Selectmen.  There is a common thread in these actions by these victims.



Pomponio Letter of Intent to File Suit if no Negotiations Result 


The letter immediately below presents allegations as follows in the section Titled Background Information:

Para       Subject

1 to 7     Sexual Harassment

8              Improper Tracking of Citizens

9              Leaks to Press

10           Religious Intolerance

11           Conduct unbecoming a police officer/Language

12           Assault and Battery

13           False Reporting of Charges of Destruction of Evidence

14           Smoking

15           Removal of Document by Another Officer

16           No promotion

17,18     Town Manager Direction to file Charges and Claims which were False

19 -22    Explanation of Police Officer’s Duty to be Truthful

23           Improper handling of evidence

24           Cross Dressing

25           Quashing of OUI Complaint

26-end  Statement of applicable law and submittal to Attorney General

This is a recent letter from Attorney Hennessey representing Ashland Police Sergeant Edward Pomponio.  It is written to the Ashland Town Manager and Police Commissioner, Anthony Schiavo.  This letter highlights the many issues in the Ashland Police Department and the curious and allegedly unfair treatment of Sergeant Pomponio.  Everyone should find this VERY interesting reading.


This letter is a recent complaint by Attorney Hennessey about a citizen's complaint of fireworks at an Ashland residence owned by Officer Michael Dionne's brother at 7 Endicott on July 4th where repeated calls by a neighbor were ignored by the Ashland Police.